A kid’s view of Italy

by Andrew Larison (age 12)

(pictured on the left in his baseball hat with twin brother Josh at the Trevi Fountain in Rome, May 2006)

This is my view of Rome and basically the whole country of Italy. A lot of people think kids wouldn’t like Italy, but I did. Besides having no clue what anyone is saying it’s an awesome country.

I especially loved Italy because the tons of pasta and pizza they have there. They had any type of pizza you could think of and some you couldn’t even imagine. It was awesome to try all of the food; I even got gelato which is like ice cream Italian style. The food on the cruise ship is good too; well all of the food on the cruise ship is tasty.

Italy and its buildings were also very cool. I have no idea how many 50 story churches we went into. On the houses they don’t have dryers so they just let their clothes sit outside while pigeons poop on them. Speaking of pigeons there are mobs of pigeons in most of the huge squares. Sometimes they land on people, and when they land on you, you’ll be sure the rest of them will be all over you. I saw this one lady screaming as she was covered with pigeons!!!!! One landed on Josh’s head, and he got all excited about that, giggling and said it tickled.

Also, there was a lot of gross pictures and statues in Italy. Its like if some guy was walking down the street naked no one would notice. Every one we yelped at, our mom would just laugh and tell us they didn’t care about that stuff. Especially that David guy, he’s the worst.

Soccer is a huge part of Italy; we went to Italy a few weeks before the world cup, in which they won. Every where kids are passing the ball around in the streets laughing and mumbling stuff in Italian. Some kids even wanted me to play after I passed the ball back to them when they lost it. Good times, Good times.

So as you can tell Italy has a great variety of stuff that kids can find fun. Oh yeah and if you want to go there book through my dad!

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