Thanks to our client Debbie for giving us permission to share her family’s experiences on the Disney Wonder Panama Canal cruise in March 2020. This cruise was one of the last Disney cruises before they temporarily suspended their cruises due to the corona virus threat. Note the attention to cleanliness Disney maintained on the ship that Debbie mentions.

I thought the Panama Canal cruise was wonderful, although I’m bummed that we didn’t get to actually see three of the ports that I’ve never before seen. While I completely enjoy sea days and the ability to relax and just soak in the atmosphere, my family was irritated and getting more so as each day passed. (we were at-sea from the evening of 09 March until the morning of 19 March when we docked in San Diego)They are not as able to sit back and relax as my one son (who is also a paramedic like me and LOVES some downtime!) and I enjoy whenever possible. The biggest disappointment for this son (Will) was the inability to collect a sand sample from Colombia, Puerto Vallarta, and Cabo San Lucas. He had his containers and was SO excited for the possibility of expanding his collection. He already has samples from Cozumel and Grand Cayman from previous visits, so going to beaches there was not a priority in any sense. Oh well, it is what it is.
Disney, as usual, is all about cleanliness and protection of its guests and I didn’t see HOW they would be able to increase the coverage for folks but of course, they did! I think by about day 3, we were no longer permitted to serve ourselves at the buffet, drink machines, ice cream, or any other place that we could usually do that. Instead, there were numerous additional cast members there to serve us in all things. Also, in each and every stairwell I walked … regardless of hour, I was consistently seeing cast members with pails of water and disinfectant washing down the handrails and in all other parts of the ship, additional cast members were disinfecting any other surfaces that people would touch all day, every day.
I don’t think anyone should be concerned about sailing with DCL … there’s no company I trust more. Even before the day 3 change-over to passengers no longer serving themselves, the cast members at the buffet were changing the serving spoons, tongs, etc. out every 10 minutes. This company is the best!
We would hear reports that folks on other cruise lines were coming up sick, but Disney was NOT one of those floating petri dishes! I know that we turned around to go back to Grand Cayman in the night, on our way to Colombia, because someone was sick and needed to be air-lifted, but I was hearing “stroke.” I sincerely doubt that ANYONE would be airlifted because of a virus. That’s ridiculous. The Captain said we were unable to go to Colombia because of that return trip and the time delay , but I think he knew already that we’d not be allowed in Colombia. I DON’T think he knew we’d not be allowed to get fuel, so we did make the attempt to go partway into port — for a few hours, before leaving. Interestingly enough, we did see a Princess Cruise Line well into the area where folks might have been able to disembark, but I don’t know if they actually were able to do that. My family (and MANY others) were convinced that those folks got to go into Cartagena, and were a little upset about it. When I reminded my folks that if someone THEY loved was having a stroke, and how time is of the essence for that person’s very life, they contained their ire. We were finally refueled on the other side of the canal by a floating fuel barge. There was one other Brightstar alert I heard, a few days before the end of the cruise, but apparently all turned out well on that one. My sister-in-law was at Guest Services when an older woman was also there, and was thanking them for the quick and efficient response of the medical team for their emergency, and said all was well with them.
I can’t thank you enough for all you do for us in managing our cruises. We know that all will be well with you in charge and all we have to do is pack and enjoy!
If you would like help with a future Disney cruise, like we did for Debbie’s family, feel free to contact us by clicking here! ... Read More